Book Your Free Health Screening

To book an appointment:

  1. Select the Event & Date
  2. Make note of the Date of the Event
  3. Advance to the month of the selected event
  4. Choose the day of your event
  5. Select a time slot that works best for you
  6. Fill out First Name, Last Name, Email, Zip Code, Preferred Language, Current Age, Your Race, Sex Assigned at Birth, Your Gender Identity (if you choose) and Awareness (i.e., - How did you hear about this opportunity?)
  7. I Consent - Choose YES or NO for consent.
  8. Click Submit

Privacy and Data Sharing Consent

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. Before proceeding, please review our privacy practices and confirm your consent to share your information with DaVita. We may collect and use your information to provide and improve our services to you.

By selecting YES, you acknowledge and consent to the following:
